After a little over a year of ABA, my brother Stuart's (who has autism and intellectual disability) health insurance informed the agency they will no longer pay for any more sessions. They said because he is in a group home, he already gets services. I am not sure what they mean by "services." Prior to the ABA, while living in his group home in NY he went from traveling independently to a full time job on no medications to multiple psychiatric hospitalizations for aggressive and self-injurious behaviors, ending up on 20 medications mostly psychiatric or to manage side effects, sleeping much of day, while developing seizures, osteoporosis, tardive dyskinesia, gastrointestinal obstruction and obesity. He often refused to go to a day program, spending his day in a recliner. After starting some hours of ABA he has gone more consistently to his day program, started exercising and socializing more. I was informed that due to his age, even if we was not in a group home setting, he would be terminated from ABA after two years. We don't terminate psychotherapy, (talk therapy) or psychiatric management after two years for people who have behavioral problems because of their age or refuse treatment because they live in a group home, but I guess ABA is different.