As I need to do Talias curriculum while she is at home, I ran verbal imitation among other programs. She would look at the paper with the picture and word and I would say, "Say popcorn" and she would imitate it. I realized she would say some words before I asked her and one day I folded the pictures and she said a few words with the text alone. When tested she knows all the letters and sounds and now I am doing sight words for preferred items, in therapy but also other areas of my home. She has also been riding her bicycle much more, getting faster, and has come from needing constant reinforcement with edibles years ago to not wanting to come home. I also tried a new way of prompting her expressive object ID program, having her tell me the name of the item when asked "whats this?" before finding it on her ipad which has been more effective than just pointing to the correct answers. She is now mastering targets more quickly. This is a difficult situation but these little things make me feel better.
Reading video