August 23rd, after an hour and a half on hold, I ordered from the Department of Education a new ipad for Talia to communicate. Her previous one was malfunctioning. Over two months later, I am still waiting for it to arrive, but I am grateful Judge Rotenberg Center loaned her one. Many children can't go to school in New York City because they have no access to Wifis and/or tablets. If a parent did not provide a child with an education, the Administration for Children's Services would be promptly involved. Yet when the school district does not provide a tablet or wifi so a student can access an education, there are no consequences.
I am also grateful I can pay for a private practice to do my daughter Talia's dental work under general anesthesia and not have her first traumatized with x-rays on a restraining board with her head held down. This potentially traumatizing restraint is done in corporate hospitals so they do not have to book an operating room for any longer than absolutely necessary to maximize their profit margin. Judge Rotenberg Center is bringing Talia to NY for this to avoid a common traumatic event, while there are antiaversive self-appointed advocates who will maintain their silence about corporate dental care for individuals with disabilities.