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Imaginary Education and Imaginary Contact Tracers

Imaginary Education and Imaginary Contact Tracers Last spring, the New York City Department of Education would not fund any in home speech, occupational or physical therapy services, due to the COVID pandemic. Perhaps they imagined all students can make progress remotely. Maybe the administrators thought that a 5 foot 10 200 pound child, refusing to do a remote assignment, can get violent, and that the mother would be able to handle the problem all by herself. Surely, this mother can protect this child and herself.
Our elected officials said they were concerned about COVID and wanted to protect us. Last spring I got proficient in discrete trials, tried to do my best job as a teacher, physical and occupational therapist with my daughter while never taking even a course in any one of those subjects at school, working despite sleepless nights, being physically attacked and unable to defend myself well. I sure did not feel anyone elected considered my daughter or my life worth anything. After I caught COVID, I thought maybe then our lives meant something. After all, the nurse practitioner told me if I was positive a contact tracer would call. I was positive twice and both times I got a text message that a contact tracer would call me. However, I have been waiting almost a month. No one monitors where I go, although I have chosen to stay at home. I can go anywhere I want, to the airport, but a ride on the subway would be cheaper, and I don’t have to pay more to ride in rush hour. Maybe I like to share. Right now, I’m just waiting for my third COVID test result, will be at least five days now to find out, not good timing if we want to stop the virus. I guess if the contact tracer, like the school district, could save the government money instead of receiving a government paycheck, someone would find me. In the meantime, I won’t and I can’t imagine that government is really concerned about our health and that’s why the school district denied us services.