A recent study showed that just eight to 12 weeks of 45 minute individualized music therapy improves social communication and functional brain connectivity in children with autism ages six to 12 years, (Sharda M, et al. Trans Psychiatry. 2018;doi:10.1038/s41398-018-0287-3). 51 children were randomized to the music intervention group or a non-music control play intervention without music. MRIs were performed before and after the intervention. The music intervention used musical instruments and songs, paying attention to rhythm. Both interventions tried to create shared experiences and relationships as well as foster self-expression and emotional regulation. Afterwards in the music group, brain connectivity improved in two areas. Furthermore in the auditory and visual areas of the brain which are known to be overconnected in autism, showed a decrease in connectivity.
Let's put music back in schools and certainly for individuals with autism.